ScaledDataHealth Technology PODs

Changing the face of Healthcare IT management

CareShare Technology PODs will fundamentally change what your organization can accomplish with your Technology Department and bring greater value to your staff, patients and community.


ScaledData CareShare PODs

CAH, Rural, & Safety Net Hospitals

Helping smaller healthcare organizations to do much BIGGER things!

Investment Portfolio

Stabilize your investments by standardizing Information Technology across your portfolio.

CareShare for Enterprise

Helping large Healthcare Institutions stabilize.

The Benefits of CareShare PODs

Healthcare has historically been challenged with maximizing technology management. Small healthcare organizations are particularly impacted by this challenge. You are held to the same regulatory requirements, the same patient and staff expectations as your larger peers, but with underwhelming technology budgets, so you are at a distinct disadvantage while being held to the same expectations. Larger healthcare organizations have significantly more money for support resources, cyber risk management and leadership. By joining a ScaledData Health CareShare POD, you are leveling that playing field and maximizing your  technology management so it works for you, not against you.


Scaling To Beat Expectations

Healthcare Workers Supported Every Day
Years in IT Leadership
Technical Debt Resolved
Healthcare Mergers

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